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Sep 21, 2011

E-Light: Innovative emergency chemiluminescent lighting system for cars (TO.015)

A Spanish SME has developed and patented an emergency lighting system for vehicles. The system is especially useful for vehicle accidents, as it allows a quickly identification, definition and illumination of the crash site. The company is looking for Joint venture agreement, manufacturing agreement, technical cooperation and/or license agreement.

A Spanish SME has developed and patented an emergency lighting system for vehicles. In the case of a breakdown or, especially, of a traffic accident, involving a vehicle the position of the vehicle needs to be signaled in order to warn other drivers of the presence of the stationary vehicle so as to avoid subsequent chain collisions.

This emergency lighting system actives itself when the airbags signal is activated in case of an accident. The system sprays a luminescence liquid to the car; also the system includes some transparent tubes, outsider the car, which is filled up with the liquid. The car is visible at nigh and more accidents can be avoided.

The activation can also be done pushing an activation button. This option is really interesting in cases of potential danger. The signalisation also allows to locate car that have gone outside the track and fragments spread around the accident site.

The invention comes within the technical sector of safety systems and particularly emergency signaling systems for zones that need to be lit in order to provide greater visibility for parts and/or environs of installations or vehicles. This signaling is especially important in situations in which the vehicle is stationary in a position that invades the carriageway and/or in atmospheric conditions of low visibility.

The invention is particularly useful in the emergency signaling of vehicles and parts thereof, such as ships, aircraft, helicopters, containers, railway and metro trains and, especially, for land vehicles including mobile machinery for public works. It can also be applied to emergency lighting for zones in industrial facilities such as ports, airports, sports centers, metro and railway stations and tunnels, to buildings such as homes and offices, sports centers and shopping centers. The system is especially useful for vehicle accidents, as it allows a quickly identification, definition and illumination of the crash site.

Innovative aspects:
The liquid has 2 purposes, first is to illuminate the car to avoid other collisions, especially at night, and the second is to easy the rescue and localisation works. It reduces time to signal the site and to recognise the site.
The chemiluminescence liquid is harmless for humans and the environment and biodegradable; It can be washed out with water. The can light a site between 8 and 12 hours.

Current stage of development of the technology:
Development phase

Financial source of the technology:
Private funding

Competitive advantages:
The system can be installed during manufacturing.

Current state of intellectual property:
Patent granted


Patent application number: 20090185361

Type of collaboration sought:

-Technical cooperation
-Joint venture agreement
-Manufacturing agreement
-License agreement

Comments: Special sector of application: Armored vehicles

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