A Spanish leading company in the road safety sector has developed a new “Antikamikaze System”, which detects vehicles that circulate in the opposite direction and warns other drivers by sending a message to the light frames and informs the Police.
The company presents a system of detection of vehicles that circulate in the opposite direction to the authorized one, what is commonly known as “Kamikazes“.
The system consists of a series of Doppler sensors and LED signs that are placed in the exits of the divided highways and freeways. When it detects the infraction (200m range), it activates a visual notice (luminous LED signalling), being able to incorporate also sonorous reinforcement, in order to prevent the "confused" driver from continuing and gaining access to the route in the opposite direction. The system acts in two ways: first it alerts the driver on the scene, but also sends an alert message to the Traffic Control Centre or local authorities, notifying that an incursion in the wrong way is taking place.
The developer manufactures products of common use in road and highway works marking, like road post, cylindrical bollards polyethylene barrier, roadstud, beam barrier cateyes, speed bumps, cones, luminous devices … anything to provide safety to road workers and drivers.
The company designs and makes products and solutions for specific problems, applying the latest technology in intelligent signalling, by using sensors, hardware, dopplers, presence detectors, LED lighting, variable message devices, solar powering, … to guarantee the safety and to optimize the good use of our highways.
Innovative aspects:
Till now, no device existed to avoid this type of accidents, theses drivers provoke many deaths and consequences by this cause, in most cases, we speak about a simple momentarily absent-mindedness, about drivers of advanced age, foreign (mostly British) or just drunk driving effects. If they are warned at the moment of this involuntary infraction, automatically the danger situation is minimized.
Current stage of development of the technology:
Developed, available for demonstration
Financial source of the technology:
Private funding
Current state of intellectual property:
Secret know how
Type of collaboration sought:
-Commercial agreement with technical assistance
-Technical cooperation
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